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  • Writer's pictureCollin Goodine

Chef's Tips for Cleaning and Storing Vegetables the Health-Conscious Way

Embarking on a holistic and health-conscious journey often starts with the foundation of our diet – vegetables. As a chef dedicated to the art of conscious cooking and a proponent of a holistic lifestyle, I'm excited to share valuable insights into the meticulous process of cleaning and storing vegetables.

Choosing Vibrant Vegetables:

Embarking on a holistic living journey starts with the mindful selection of organic, locally sourced vegetables. Prioritize freshness and nutrient density by opting for produce from local farmers, or even consider growing your own. Choosing vegetables that are in season in your area enhances the organic and sustainable aspect of your culinary choices. Boost your health by enjoying the nutritious goodness of plant-based foods that not only supports local communities but also ensures a healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

Chef's Detox Secrets:

As a chef dedicated to holistic living, I encourage you to incorporate detoxifying elements into your vegetable care routine.

Clean and remove pesticides and bacteria:

I use the O3 Bubbler from Therasage. This device cleans and gets rid of pesticides and bacteria from fruits and veggies. It also brings back their freshness by changing how water molecules behave. The Bubbler can sanitize your food by bubbling low Gamma O3 into tap water. This turns your tap water into a station that can clean and disinfect unhealthy germs, viruses, and parasites in just a few minutes.

For disinfecting vegetables, water with a slightly acidic or neutral pH is commonly used. This is because many harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria and pathogens, have difficulty surviving in environments with lower pH levels. Acidic water can help reduce the risk of contamination on the surface of vegetables.

Preserving Nature's Goodness:

Drying vegetables is an essential step in preserving their goodness. Choose to let your vegetables air-dry or gently pat them with a clean kitchen towel. This process is vital to prevent moisture buildup, ensuring the nutritional integrity of your plant-based treasures. Drying your vegetables is not only essential for maintaining their freshness but also for preventing excess humidity in your fridge.

Storage and Refrigeration:

Conscious living extends to the way we store our vegetables. Invest in breathable storage containers to maintain the freshness of your vegetables. Avoid airtight containers, which can hinder the natural breathability of your vegetables. Consume within 1-3 days to savor the peak of flavor and ensure maximum freshness.

Holistic living meets modern convenience with healthy refrigeration tips. Leafy greens, herbs, and antioxidant-rich berries thrive in the cool embrace of the refrigerator.

Store in the Refrigerator: Artichokes, Asparagus, Green Beans, Beets, Belgian Endive, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cut Vegetables, Green Onions, Herbs (not basil), Leafy Vegetables, Leeks, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Peas.

For optimal storage, wrap herbs in a damp paper towel and keep them upright in a tall container. This means placing the herbs in a way that they stand vertically, not horizontally, and putting them in a container that has a relatively greater height than width. The purpose of this arrangement is to provide proper support to the herbs and prevent them from getting crushed or damaged. It allows for efficient storage while maintaining the freshness and integrity of the herbs.

Room temperature:

Many fruits and vegetables flourish when stored at room temperature achieve their optimal flavor when stored at room temperature, outside of the fridge. Refrigeration, while effective for certain items, may lead to cold damage or hinder the ripening process, impacting flavor and texture.

For instance, pink tomatoes attain a richer taste and vibrant red color when left at room temperature. When refrigerated, they fail to achieve the same vibrant hue, and even red tomatoes stored in the refrigerator may compromise their flavor.

Optimal storage conditions vary for different vegetables:

Basil (in water)

Cucumber, Eggplant, Peppers can be refrigerated for 1-3 days if used soon after removal.

To maintain freshness, it's essential to keep these items away from direct sunlight. Store garlic, onions, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, ginger, jicama, pumpkins in a well-ventilated area within the pantry. This ensures proper air circulation, preserving the quality of these ingredients.

Celebrate Vibrant Living:

In your journey to live healthily, make it a habit to check and change your vegetable supply regularly. Enjoy every part of this cooking adventure, appreciating the lively colors, delicious flavors, and healthy nutrients that nature has given us. Have diversity in your diet to create a healthy microbiome. Eating seasonally will contribute to this. Challenge yourself to try one new fruit or vegetable every time you go shopping.

Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle:

As you delve into the holistic realm of plant-based living, remember that the journey is a celebration of Chef Collin's philosophy – where preparation beats motivation. Embrace the health-conscious lifestyle, and let the vibrant energy of fresh vegetables propel you towards a holistic, plant-based, and vegetarian culinary experience.

Incorporating high-frequency foods from Mother Earth provides our bodies with the essential energy on a cellular level, promoting a daily sense of vitality. This refers to foods that are considered energetically vibrant, nourishing, and beneficial for overall well-being.

By taking care to clean and store vegetables thoughtfully, we set out on a journey toward a healthy and mindful lifestyle. Cleaning vegetables with attention ensures the removal of contaminants, allowing us to enjoy the full benefits of their natural goodness. Storing them properly, as suggested, preserves their freshness and nutritional value. As you appreciate the connection between Chef Collin's cooking skills and the bountiful gifts from Mother Nature, enjoy making meals that are both nutritious and delicious, benefiting not just your body but also your overall well-being. Explore plant-based living, where vegetables play a central role in promoting a holistic way of life.

Let food be thy medicine, preparation beats motivation, we cannot heal eating foods that made us sick


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