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Will I lose all my weight and muscle during a Detox?

  • A well-planned detox focuses on supporting your body's natural detoxification processes, rather than causing extreme weight or muscle loss.

  • While some weight loss may occur, it's important to maintain a balanced and nutrient-dense diet to preserve muscle mass such as the one provided in our 7-day detox.


What if I have a cheat meal while on my protocol, do I have to start over?

  • A single cheat meal does not necessarily negate the progress you've made.

  • The key is to recognize it as a temporary deviation and return to your protocol. 

  • Consistency and commitment to your health journey are more important than isolated incidents.


I was told that Supplements do not work?

  • The efficacy of supplements depends on the individual, the quality of the product, and the specific health concern being addressed. 

  • When used appropriately and in conjunction with a balanced diet, supplements can provide additional support for your health and well-being.

  • Our Supplements are of top quality and aimed to only add balance to areas your body is currently deficient.


Is it too expensive to eat healthy and purchase all new groceries? Additionally, is it too much work and too challenging to achieve in 12 weeks?

  • Transitioning to a healthier lifestyle can seem daunting, but it's achievable with planning and prioritization. 

  • Focus on incorporating whole, nutrient-dense foods gradually and seek affordable, seasonal produce. 

  • Remember that investing in your health can save you costs related to health issues in the long run.


Is eating fruits bad, considering concerns about blood sugar spikes due to their sugar content?

  • Fruits, when consumed in moderation, provide essential nutrients and fiber that support overall health. 

  • While they do contain natural sugars, their benefits generally outweigh the concerns about blood sugar spikes, especially for individuals without pre-existing blood sugar issues. 

  • Fruits low on the glycemic index are targeted in our plan, and all fruits come with fiber intact, making the spike very insignificant when eating at the right times.


Why is my blood glucose high when I don't consume sugars?

  • Blood glucose levels can be influenced by factors beyond sugar intake, such as stress, lack of sleep, and the consumption of certain carbohydrates that are rapidly broken down into sugars. 

  • Monitoring and adjusting your overall lifestyle can help regulate blood glucose levels.


Why do I frequently wake up at night and find it hard to fall asleep?

  • Difficulty falling and staying asleep can be attributed to various factors, including stress, poor sleep hygiene, and underlying health conditions.

  • Implementing relaxation techniques, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and creating a sleep-friendly environment can help improve sleep quality.

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